🚦Traefik 3.0 What's New & 🐳DockerSlim Debug - CNDO #62

🚦Traefik 3.0 What's New & 🐳DockerSlim Debug - CNDO #62


Catch up on the three live shows and two podcasts I've released recently about DevOps and container tooling.

🗓️ What's new this week

I'm on a tear lately with great show guests, so don't miss out (see below.)

Next week, I'm headed to Lisbon, Portugal, for a Docker Captain Summit. I hope to spend some time discussing and testing how GenAI can make Docker and container development easier, so stay tuned!

I've also had access to GitHub Copilot Workspace for weeks, and it looks amazing. I'll likely talk about my experiences with it in a future YouTube Live Q&A.

🔴 Live show: Traefik 3.0 upgrade and new features walkthrough with CTO Emile Vauge (Ep 269)

Traefik 3.0 is here, and we’re digging into how to upgrade and big new features with founder and CTO Emile Vauge. We’ll talk 2.x to 3.0 migrations, Kubernetes Gateway API, WebAssembly (Cloud Native Wasm), HTTP3, Tailscale, OpenTelemetry, and more!

Traefik 3.0 upgrade and new features walkthrough with CTO Emile Vauge (Ep 269)
It’s here! Traefik 3.0, and we’re digging into how to upgrade and big new features with founder and CTO Emile Vauge. We’ll talk 2.x to 3.0 migrations, Kubern…

🔔 Click the dinner bell in YT to get your reminder. You can also add it to your calendar here.

🎧 Podcast

Ep 162: Kubernetes Observability with Site24x7

Bret is joined by Jasper Paul and Vinoth Kanagaraj, observability experts and Site24x7 Product Managers, to discuss achieving end-to-end visibility for applications on Kubernetes infrastructure. We answer questions on all things monitoring, OpenTelemetry, and KPIs for DevOps and SREs.

We talk about the industry's evolution from monitoring to full observability platforms, as well as adjacent topics for helping you with your own Kubernetes and application monitoring, including going through some of the most useful metrics in Kubernetes and AI's role in metric analysis and alerting humans.

Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show from April 25, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 263). Includes demos.

🐦 Tweet of the week

Gruvbox has been one of my default shell + editor themes for years. It's flexibility and options sold me on it, and it was also one of the first, back in 2017 days, that supported true color, iTerm profiles, light/dark, bright/dim, etc.

🔴 Another recent show: Learning Cloud Native DevOps (Sucks!)

May 23rd I did an ask-me-anything show with Cristi Cotovan, a developer who is learning DevOps. We were talking about his progress and went down a rabbit hole about how frustrating and overwhelming it can be. He's not alone. Soooo many options and choices to make!

If you struggle with all the options out there and even those presented on my show, then this should be a great show for you.

Learning Cloud Native DevOps (Sucks): Live Q&A (Ep 267)
I’m doing ask-me-anything this week and I’ll be joined by Cristi Cotovan, a developer who is learning DevOps. We’ll talk about how overwhelming it can be wit…

🎧 Podcast

Ep 161: K2D by Portainer

We released podcast #161 where Nirmal and I talk with Neil Cresswell and Steven Kang from Portainer to look at k2d, a new project that enables us to leverage Kubernetes tooling to manage Docker containers on tiny devices at the far edge.

K2d stands for Kubernetes to Docker, which is a bit of a crazy idea – it's a partial Kubernetes API running on top of Docker Engine without needing a full Kubernetes control plane. If you work with very small devices, including older Raspberry PIs, 32-bit machines, maybe industry sensors and the infrastructure we now call 'edge', the container hardware is often hard for you to make simple, reliable, and automated all at the same time.

So this project uses less resources than a single node K3S and still allows you to use Kubernetes tools to deploy and manage your containers, which are in fact just running on a Docker Engine with no full-fledged Kubernetes distribution going on there.

We get into far more detail on the architecture, the Portainer team's motivations for this new open source project and what its limitations are, because it's not real Kubernetes, so it can't do everything.

Be sure to check out the live recording of the complete show from March 28, 2024 on YouTube (Ep. 260). Includes demos.

🔴 Last week's show: Shrink images & debug your Docker & Kubernetes with MinToolkit (aka DockerSlim)

Watch me and my guest Kyle Quest, DockerSlim Founder, shrink container images and debug Docker and Kubernetes containers using DockerSlim (now MinToolKit).

Shrink images & debug your Docker & Kubernetes with MinToolkit (aka DockerSlim) (Ep 268)
DockerSlim founder Kyle Quest joins me to show off how to slim down your existing images with various options (including distroless images like Chainguard Im…

We'll show off how to slim down your existing images with various options (including distroless images like Chainguard Images and Nix), and use the new "mint debug" feature to exec into existing images and containers on Kubernetes, Docker, Podman, and containerd.

👀 In case you missed the last newsletter

Read it here.