Aikido's platform helps developers get security done with its superpower to remove false positives so you can find true vulnerabilities. It has new AI features that auto triage and even fix issues for you. Aikido is free for small teams or anyone wanting to simply explore. Check it out today at

🔴 This Week Live Show: Best of Cloud Native DevOps 2024
Click the reminder button on this page to get one Thursday.
It's our 4th annual Holiday Special: Best of DevOps & Tech with my co-host Nirmal Mehta of AWS, also a Docker Captain. Tell us what your favorite cloud native app is. Join us live to ask questions on the best and worst of 2024.
📺 KubeCon Engineering Takeaways
30 minutes of us covering what we saw at KubeCon, and the trends this year.
🎧 Podcast Release: DevOps Cert Prep with AI
Ep 174: AI Cert Prep with the KodeKloud Team
In this latest podcast, Bret is joined by Mumshad Mannambeth and Vijin Palazhi of KodeKloud for Q&A on what we should be studying and certifying for in 2025.
This episode is chalked full of information. We talked about the CNCA Kubestronaut program and how GenAI has changed the cert prep game, and see what tools and techniques we should use to prepare for next year!
You've probably seen Mumshad's courses. He has been another person like myself who, for almost a decade, has been making container courses on Docker, Kubernetes, all the tooling. Now he's running a giant platform of learning and they're introducing AI into your learning and certification prep, courses, and skills labs. And we go through all of it.
We talk about all of the Linux Foundation certifications they cover. They've launched over 100 courses now on their platform and they cover a lot, if not all of the Linux certifications, especially around Kubernetes and the Cloud Native ecosystem. I'm a huge fan of that. I think this is great stuff for everyone, especially if you're early in your career and you're using certifications as a way to prove your expertise or you're like me, you've been around forever and you want to show that you're up to date. Here's a list of some of the topics we covered.
- Community in Career Growth
- Kubernetes Certifications: Kubestronaut
- The Kubernetes Learning Path
- Who is Kubestronaut For?
- Maintaining Kubernetes Certification
- Changes in Certification Requirements
- KodeKloud Course Updates
- Exploring BlueSky for Cloud Native Community
- AI in Certification and Teaching Assistance
- AI Tutor and Future of Learning
- Replacing Q&A with AI?
- Rapid Fire Q&A
- Pro vs AI Subscription with KodeKloud
- Starting with K8s
- Certifications for Software Engineers
- Course Updates and Future Plans
- Developer Courses Plans?
- No Labs for Azure DevOps Course
- MLOps Courses
Be sure to check out the video version of this episode for demos.
Short on Shorts
Check out my latest Short on YouTube.