My DockerCon 2018 Slide and Demo Resources
My DockerCon Talk Slide Resources
- "Building Your Docker Tech Stack" Slides (Video or PDF)
- Demo GitHub repo for this talk: dog vs. cat
- Part 1 Video (good pre-req's to what I build in this talk) Taking Docker to Production DockerCon EU 2017
- My Swarm Mastery Video Course for $10 (all these tools will be added to the course lectures in the months after DockerCon)
- Repos/Tools used to build this demo:
- Docker's Example Voting App
- SwarmProm - Ready to go Prometheus monitoring and alerting template with all the fixin's for Swarm
- REX-Ray storage plug-in
- Portainer Docker and Swarm GUI management
- ELK Stack for Docker/Compose: Ready-to-go ELK Logging template with all the fixin's
- Ghost Blog platform
- Traefik Reverse Proxy
- Docker Certified Infrastructure for
- Watch me testing Swarm healthchecks with rolling updates on YouTube
- Ways to improve the Docker Swarm CE deployment
- Add app metrics to Prometheus Monitoring (instrimenting your code). Bonus, learn Prometheus with the new "Monitoring with Prometheus" book by James Turnbull
- Add socat proxy to lock down Traefik on worker nodes
- Swap out Overlay networking for Weave Net plug-in and see if you like that better
- Swap out ELK logging for SaaS like Papertrail
- Swap out Prometheus monitoring stack for SaaS like Sysdig, Datadog, or Librato
- Use something like the Autopilot Pattern to make your persistent apps highly-available. Create database clusters through ENTRYPOINT automation and stack file settings. Every app would be different here, so more examples are needed.
- Ways to improve Docker Swarm security
- Docker Bench: Scan your boxes for proper setup
- Aqua Security Microscanner: image vulnerability scanning (blog walkthrough). Note this is not needed with Docker EE, which does it's own scanning for you)
- Sysdig Falco: Active behavior monitoring
- Enable User Namespaces: Great way to lock down containers even further by default. Containers won't run as root on host.
- Ways to improve a Docker EE deployment ( site)
- Jeremiah Jones talk on Complex Software Systems: How Modern Software Architecture Benefits from Patterns Found in Natural Complex Systems
- Other examples of Swarm multi-stack systems: Viktor Adam's excellent home lab setup, and Pascal Andy's "Docker Stack This".
My Docker Courses and Videos
- My Docker Mastery Video Course for $10 😬🐳
- My Swarm Mastery Video Course for $10 (all these tools will be added to the course lectures in the months after DockerCon)
- My YouTube Live "Late Night Docker" videos (just started March 2018)
- Playlist of all my YouTube videos (guest appearances, various conferences)
My Other Docker Resources
- 👈 the full list
- My Docker and DevOps Newsletter
- Node.js Docker Good Defaults
- PHP/Laravel Docker Good Defaults
- Browncoat: A simple Docker app that will misbehave on command for testing your container update process
- Stress: A simple Docker app to test memory/cpu limits. Great for testing that limits work correctly in Swarm.