Bret's Cloud Native DevOps Courses

My Training courses and discount coupons for Docker Mastery, Kubernetes Mastery, Swarm Mastery, Docker for Node.js, and Kubernetes Automated Deployments with GitHub Actions and Argo CD GitOps.

UDEMY Courses

Use this coupon for up to 85% off these courses MARCH25-CLOUDNATIVE

I focus exclusively on Cloud Native and Container DevOps practices and tools. This means Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Compose, GitOps, Argo CD, GitHub Actions, and more!

Docker Mastery, with Kubernetes and Swarm

March 22, 2024 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation endorsed my Docker Mastery course. "CNCF Endorsed Content are training material that can be available in different training platforms and that have been endorsed by CNCF following various criteria both on their quality and the community-involvement of their creator."
Jan 25, 2024 – Docker Mastery is an official "Docker Endorsed" course on Udemy. This is a new thing between Docker and Udemy where Docker and other experts from the Docker community vetted the curriculum. They selected Docker Mastery as 1 of only a handful of endorsed courses.

More than 300,000 students worldwide! The Original and best way to learn containers. Starts with "Why Docker" and takes you through Docker images, containers, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm basics, Docker Registry. Then we switch to Kubernetes and build on our container basics by learning what you need to know to deploy apps to K8s! More than 19 hours of content and growing! New videos are still being added.

Kubernetes Mastery

My Mastery courses continue with the latest videos on learning Kubernetes from scratch, with over 80 lectures on all the popular features and content built by a team of experts. This course assumes you know Docker first. This is my latest Premier Mega-Course that will continue to grow through 2023. Updated to support Apple Silicon (M1) and Raspberry Pi platforms!

Docker Mastery for Node.js Projects

After you've finished the Docker Mastery course, you'll want to dig in deep for the language and frameworks you use. My Docker for Node.js course is just that. It takes your Docker skills and goes deep for how to get the best out of container tools for Node.js projects. More than 8 hours of content. Updated to also support Apple Silicon (M1) and Raspberry Pi platforms!

Docker Swarm Mastery

For those that want to use Swarm in production, Swarm Mastery is meant for those with basic Docker skills but want the full Swarm feature-set and tools you need for production clusters and ops support. More than 9 hours of content. Updated to also support Apple Silicon (M1) and Raspberry Pi platforms!

Love From Students

Many people have told me my courses helped them land better jobs! 😍

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